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招聘职位: 设备维修工程师

工作地点: 广东惠州博罗县 工作经验: 5年
薪资范围: 8000-9000元/月 学历要求: 大专
发布时间: 2017-09-03 来源网站:
职位类型: 全职 公司规模: 跨国公司(集团)/生产/制造/加工/200-500人
公司地址: 公司网站:
联系方式: 登录后才能查看 去登录 邮码:
(I) Key Duty: Full plant utilities consumption management
Task 1: Daily collect each production line utilities consumption situation, such as power, gas usage
Task 2: Work together with maintenance engineer to analysis and look for abnormal energy consumption root cause
Task 3: To offer utilities data to the related departments
Task 4: To ensure generators in normal, each generator must run 30 minutes per month
Task 5: Coordinate with power supplier, gas supplier and water supplier
(II) Key Duty: Fire-fighting system management
Task 1: Keep plant firefighting system in normal
Task 2: Fire-fighting system usual problem solution
Task 3: Monitor and manage contractor monthly PM
Task 4: Coordinate with contractor to deal with fire system trouble
Task 5: Coordinate with contractor to finish fire system annual inspection and evaluation report
(III) Key Duty: Centralize air-condition system maintain and management
Task 1: To Monitor and supervise contractor preventive maintain work
Task 2: Set up all AHUs filter replacement plan and put into practice
(IV) Key Duty: Other common facilities management
Task 1: Waste water treatment station maintain, include station cleaning, pumps PM, and phosphate removing agent adding
Task 2: To assist EHS for environment monitor, include exhaust air monitor, waste water monitor, etc.
Task 3: Building maintain
? College or above in mechanical manufacture and automation or related discipline.
? At least 5 years of experience in common facilities maintain, of which at least 3 years in facility engineer level.
? Experience to firefighting system
? Professional knowledge: Know well automation and generator, be good in CAD software
? Full spectrum HR experience in a manager level.
? Communication skills: Able to communicate well with all levels of staff. Excellent read and written English and Mandarin.
此工作地点位于博罗县罗浮山附近,对此地点有异议的人士请不要投递简历 AA4A290A47BC7F3D





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